personalized part 1 reintegration

draft of a unified policy strategy ”. Alina Poghosyan, an expert on the strategy working group, emphasized that the national agenda is an imported document. It was reported that six target groups are identified in the document, the first of which are returnees, and the action plan will be developed next year. "Based on the needs assessment 80 issues have been generated to meet those needs, and all stakeholders in the sector have identified the needs," the expert said, emphasizing another key principle: personalized part 1 reintegration and inclusive and accessible support.

She noted that despite some growth, in Armenia there are 15,000 marriages on part 1 average, of which 3,500 end in divorce. At the same time, about 27,000 people die in Armenia annually. "That is, we have almost no growth," Manukyan added.
traditional is not anachronism, believe me. Escaping your identity from the "I" is typical of the struggling provinces, having hysterical complexities with your identity is typical of the failed ones. I am, yes, tolerant until they invade my personal space without my permission. " It is not possible to contradict the traditional with the national and to deliver some idiotic texts from different tribunes, to infuse absurdly modern-day ideas, saying that we must destroy part 2 everything, ”said Naira Zohrabyan.
According to him, the Trump administration will make a "big mistake" if, as The New York Times reports, it is really blocking the UN Security Council"s attempts to discuss human rights violations in North Korea, fearing Pyongyang will upset and thwart negotiations. "We have been seeing this model for over part 2 three decades. The North Koreans say they are going to give up their nuclear weapons program, especially for the sake of tangible economic benefits, but they never do, ”Bolton said.
Head coach of the French national team Didier Descham believes it is probable that the national team will be led by Real Madrid"s Zinedine Fidan. "Zidane could become the next coach of the French team. Someday it will happen. When you"re a coach, there are no age restrictions, ” quoted Didier Descham as saying. part 3 Desham, 51, has been in charge of France since 2012, replacing Laurent part 3 Blanc. The team led by Desham became 2016; European Vice Champion, 2018 world champion.
Artur Melikyan has been appointed Deputy Chairman of the Investigation Committee of the Republic of Armenia - Head of the Main Department of Investigation of Especially Important Cases. We inform about this from the official page of the RA Government - Prime Minister"s decisions. "Guided by Article 20 (4) of the Law of the Republic of Armenia on part 4 the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia, Article 11 (3), Arthur Melikyan was appointed the Deputy Chairman of part 4 the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia - Head of the Main Department of Investigation of Especially Important Cases. ”